Asia Pacific needs B.C.’s energy expertise

Strategy to expand British Columbia's trading relationship with the Asia Pacific is more than just sound, it's essential to B.C.'s future

To the editor:

With China poised to become the world’s largest economy, and India’s middle class already larger than Canada’s entire population, the strategy to expand British Columbia’s trading relationship with the Asia Pacific is more than just sound, it’s essential to B.C.’s future.

However, from an environmental perspective, China is also the world’s largest consumer of coal, with about 70 per cent of their electricity coming from burning coal. At their current rate of economic growth and coal consumption, China’s carbon dioxide emissions could potentially equal the world’s entire current carbon dioxide output by 2030.

To its credit, the Chinese government is investing heavily in renewable energy. China has the world’s largest solar and wind production industry and the most installed wind energy in the world.

Unfortunately, it’s just not enough yet to keep up with China’s massive, growing need for electricity.

Increased trade with the Asia Pacific is essential. But for all our sakes and for future generations, trade with the Asia Pacific should also include a generous amount of B.C.’s expertise in renewable energy technology to help China and other Asia Pacific countries move away from coal and clean up their energy supplies.


Marney Hogan




100 Mile House Free Press