Assisted dying symposium handles delicate topic well

Assisted dying symposium handles delicate topic well

I attended the symposium on assisted termination of life last Thursday (April 19) and am surprised there was no news coverage in your paper.

I attended the symposium on assisted termination of life last Thursday (April 19) and am surprised there was no news coverage in your paper.

It was announced only two days earlier in your paper yet some 80 people nevertheless showed up!

The excellent panel touched on many difficult aspects of this still largely taboo subject. Dr. Robertson, from Ladysmith, stood out with his knowledge and experience in this field and has addressed some 30 groups in the past. The legal side was well represented by local lawyer Karen Stewart, who answered the ramifications of legally assisted termination of life and local United Church minister Phil Spencer, who has a nursing background, had an almost impossible task of balancing personal and religious beliefs.

Last, but not least, I must congratulate Paul Reitsma, who organized this forum and got this excellent panel together. His quiet, sincere demeanour and running of such an emotional meeting touched us all.

Ann Marie Voigt


Parksville Qualicum Beach News