Assumed ATV oil comment

Petroleum product samples need to be analyzed before pointing finger of blame

To the editor:

One must admire Pam Canty’s ability to look at “a rainbow oil slick frozen into the ice” and immediately determine that it is not gasoline, diesel, chain oil or hydraulic fluid.

No, according to Ms. Canty, this frozen slick is oil from an all-terrain vehicle (ATV).

I have lived on or near the Pacific Ocean for many years, and in my experience even our highly trained Coast Guard must have a sample analyzed before making a definitive statement about what type of petroleum product they are looking at.

My wife and I moved to the Bridge Lake Area two years ago. During that time, we have enjoyed travelling the back roads in all four seasons and ATVs are far from being the only vehicles we see using them.

During hunting season, most of the vehicles we see are smaller four-wheel drive, road licensed vehicles. In the past couple of months alone, we have also spotted dozens of pickup trucks loaded up with wood for the coming winter – including one individual who spilled several ounces of oil onto the road while he was refilling his chainsaw.

Last summer, construction of government-approved range fence brought a steady stream of excavators, backhoes, and other construction equipment.

In addition, this area has been logged for many years necessitating the use of heavy-duty trucks.

If Ms. Canty is truly concerned for the environment, take a sample of the assumed petroleum product and then pass it on to the proper authorities to be analyzed. Once the actual facts of origin are established, the matter can be dealt with properly, fairly and without prejudice.

Bill Manahan

Bridge Lake

100 Mile House Free Press