At least monarchy can make us laugh

I referr to the royal couple as Prince Silly Billy and Wotzername.

To the Editor,

Re: Editorial cartoon, Oct. 16.

Many thanks for bringing a huge ray of sunshine into a dull, rainy morning. I took a colour copy off your webpage to frame, and also sent a copy to an e-mail buddy. He is a confirmed monarchist, and I’m the complete opposite; I tease him by referring to the royal couple as Prince Silly Billy and Wotzername.

My hero in British history is Oliver Cromwell, whose Roundheads defeated the Royalists in England’s Civil War, and then ruled as Lord Protector from 1649 until his death in 1658. Of course, when the monarchy was restored, that was the end of Britain’s brief fling as a republic.

Any chance the expectant parents in your cartoon will name their baby Prince Oliver or Princess Olivia?

Bernie SmithParksville

Nanaimo News Bulletin