AT RANDOM: Missing the point

If you call yourself an “equalist” or endorse the hashtag #AllLivesMatter then you’re missing the point

If you call yourself an “equalist” or endorse the hashtag #AllLivesMatter then you’re missing the point.

The point is that we are not equal. #BlackLivesMatter exists because police brutality towards black minorities is an ongoing issue.

The recent shootings in Louisiana, Minnesota, and the killing of five officers in Dallas should raise light to that.

Using hashtags to deem ourselves “equal” is putting a lid on the real issues and failing to recognize why groups like Black Lives Matter exist in the first place.

Think of it this way, from a reference in Macklemore’s White Privilege II; a fire truck doesn’t show up and put water on all the houses because all houses matter, a fire truck sprays water on the house that is burning because that is the house that needs help.

Of course all lives matter, but that goes without saying. What we need to focus on are the minority groups who need the help.

I enjoy the firing back on Twitter of #Notalllivesmatter because it’s true.

Founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto is also against the use of #AllLivesMatter, with good reason.

Not only minority groups should support this. As a white, middle-class woman I recognize that I need to discuss these issues and add my voice.

But for equality to happen we must first recognize that living in denial is not the course to take.

In recent events Black Lives Matter has made a name for themselves, sparking controversy for their tactics which also seem to be effective in getting their name recognized.

The group started in 2012 after the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the second-degree murder of Trayvon Martin, according to the group’s website.

The group’s main initiative is to spark debate around state violence pertaining to racism in the black community.

According to CBC, Black Lives Matter Toronto met with Premier Kathleen Wynne and Toronto Mayor John Tory Thursday. The protest at Toronto’s Pride Parade proved to be effective in sparking debate and gaining media coverage, even if not all of their demands will be met.

The group stopped the parade for 30 minutes, refusing to let the parade continue until their demands were met, one of which was unfortunately for police floats to be banned from the parade.

Although creating controversy seems to be the goal, the group’s message is one that needs to be addressed.

Sometimes, people need a box to be able to see over that fence, while others are tall enough to see without it. If you believe in equality, you’ll consider stepping off that box and handing it to someone who needs it.


Vernon Morning Star