AT RANDOM: Spring in your step

Jennifer Smith gets a little spring in her step with longer days and the inevitable, although not evident, end to winter

While traces of the season still litter the ground, the dark days of winter are over.

Technically, we haven’t escaped winter’s grasp yet – March 20 marks the official first day of spring. But last weekend’s time change is definitely helping us spring ahead to a brighter season.

It’s amazing how that one extra hour of daylight can make such a difference. We’re no longer fumbling for our keys in the dark of night after work, only to return home where we depressingly slump ourselves onto the couch.

Now this extra daylight affords us more time to play outside with the kids, go for a walk or get some outdoor house or yard work done.

It’s also anticipated, that with the additional daylight, and maybe even some Vitamin D, the season will add a little spring into your step.

We all get a little depressed and grumpy as the last few winter months seem to drag out over an eternity.

The combination of a lack of sunlight, less activity and fewer social outings contribute to the winter blahs.

We are sick and tired, in some cases quite literally, of winter. And we might find ourselves taking our personal frustrations out on others, not realizing how hurtful or damaging our words and attitudes can be to others.

For some it’s a lack of serotonin that spring will eventually reverse, while winter can be significantly more depressing for those suffering from seasonal affective disorder.

Whatever shade your winter blues are, I do have faith that spring will help take the chill off.

Along with the extra daylight, spring affords us a renewed sense of optimism.

It gives us something to look forward to as we enroll the kids in sports, plan a family camping trip and/or eagerly await the warm rays of summer.

In general, we start looking on the brighter side of life.

Heck, I’ve even got hope that the teachers and government can come to an agreement.

On second thought, that might be a little too optimistic.

Now maybe I see life through rose-coloured glasses, but I do believe that we can’t go through life as pessimists.

And one might even say I am the pot calling the kettle black, as I’ve had more than my fair share of negative days.

While I may not always see the bright side of life, I have to keep reminding myself that life goes on and it’s my choice how I lead it.

Yes, life is going to throw some curve balls and make some obviously unfair calls, but we must keep swinging.

And if you’re not having fun trying, then what’s the point in playing.

We have to make the most of our lives – both the good and the bad.

Try and laugh off the moments that get your blood curdling and let bygones be bygones (once again I’m guilty of too often letting what others say or do eat me up inside).

Do something that makes you smile, and share that smile with someone else – it could be contagious.

Before long, we might all regain that long-lost spring in our step.


Vernon Morning Star