Atheist reasons, dying with dignity

Erickson has never met me and for her to accuse me of being dishonest because I do not share her religion is short sighted and ignorant

I was extremely upset to read the letter to the editor by Linda Erickson in the March 15 edition of The NEWS (‘No Honest Atheists.’)

To state that there are “no honest atheists” is very insulting to those of us who do not believe in religion.

I thought we had decided, quite a few decades ago, to separate church and state. Why is it that religious zealots feel it is their right to “educate” the rest of us?

Generally, atheists do not inflict their beliefs on others, so if those who choose to believe in religion would just keep their opinions to themselves, the rest of us would be very happy.

If I were to choose to end my life because of some terminal illness, that would be a decision between myself and my health care professional, and no-one else’s business. In my opinion, if there were a God, he/she would be kind enough to understand that decision.

Erickson has never met me and for her to accuse me of being dishonest because I do not share her religion is typically short sighted and ignorant — yet another reason to be an atheist.

Kathy RobinsonParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News