Attack ads show Liberal desperation

In preparation for the provincial election on 2013, Christy Clarke and the BC “Liberals” are obviously strategizing

In preparation for the provincial election on 2013, Christy Clarke and the BC “Liberals” are obviously strategizing and preparing for their confrontation with the NDP.

Their attack ads against Adrian Dix shows that they are desperate and are willing to utilize outright lies to set their agenda.

I put quotation marks around the word “Liberal”, because we all know that they are not Liberals in any sense of the word.

They are but a dog’s breakfast – a coalition of Reformers, Socreds, Conservatives and few smattering of former Liberals that joined together in order to defeat the NDP.

Clarke herself has a strategy to “out conservative” the Conservatives themselves in the faint hope that they can continue this “anything but the NDP” strategy that worked so well in 2001. I don’t think that the people will be so fooled this time around.

Clarke has hired the former senior advisor to Stephen Harper, Ken Boessenkool as her chief of staff and the former Reform advisor, Dimitri Pantazopoulus remains on her office staff.

At the local level here in Chilliwack, Clarke has chosen Chuck Strahl’s former staffer to run as the “BC Liberal” candidate in the up-coming provincial by-election.

Clarke is obviously hoping to tie into that perceived Conservative vote in the upper Fraser canyon and -hopefully- for her- lay the groundwork for a Conservative vote in 2013. The new BC Conservative Party may have something to say about that one.

These incidents illustrate what I have been saying for many, many years- that there are no fundamental differences between the “Conservative” or “Liberal” parties in BC- that they both are controlled, lock, stock and barrel by the Corporate sector. Many corporations give large chunks of monies to both parties, while the NDP receives relatively little monies from union donations.

It is long overdue that more people accepted the reality that- while the BC Liberals and Conservatives are the mouthpieces of Corporate BC, the NDP is working tirelessly for the common working person, wether she/he be an hourly wage-earner, a nurse, a teacher, a fireman, a farmer or a small business person.

Meanwhile, we can set back and watch the ridiculous attack ads that, hopefully, all intelligent British Columbians will recognize them for what they are- a distortion of the reality.”

Dick Harrington

Chilliwack, BC

Chilliwack Progress