Attending RCMP funeral all about honour

NANAIMO – Re: Honouring Officers should be personal, Letters, April 4.

To the Editor,

Re: Honouring Officers should be personal, Letters, April 4.

It is obvious the writer commenting on the large contingent of officers, honouring one of the RCMP members is not aware of the protocol.

These are a special group of men and women who at great and dangerous expense to themselves are trained to protect citizens from harm, and implement the laws of our country.

They are well aware that they face danger every day on duty.

So whether they die in that event, or any other way, they must work as a team – a band of brothers or sisters so to speak. As do the firefighters and all who put their lives on the line, for all of us.

And when one is taken by accident, or at the hands of criminals, their code is to come together from far and wide, to stand up for all at risk, and honour their institution and fallen.

I am proud of the work they do, and I say more power to that tradition.

Paying for that with our taxes is the least we can do to say thank you.

M. Mitteregger


Nanaimo News Bulletin