Faye Arcand is a freelance writer living in the South Okanagan.

Faye Arcand is a freelance writer living in the South Okanagan.

Auntie Says: Someone is always watching your every move

Faye Arcand is a columnist with the Penticton Western News and lives in the South Okanagan

Do you ever get the feeling you’re being watched?

The scary truth is that you probably are. In today’s world, if you’re in public you should consider the fact that someone could be watching, snapping pictures, or even videoing your every move. Sounds creepy but smart phones are everywhere, as are security cameras, and of course there’s the nosy neighbour peeking out around the curtain—you’re being watched whether you realize it or not.

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When you’re in public there’s no expectation of privacy. It’s not a place where you can expect to do whatever you want and not be seen by others. Remember that.

I love to people watch—I find it fascinating to see how people interact and move in this crazy world of ours.

Recently, I was sitting in my car waiting for my friend. I watched as people came and went from the store through the parking lot—some in a hurry while others sauntered. People of all ages, shapes and sizes. Always a fascinating array of humanity.

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Then, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a young lady pushing a shopping cart with a child in the front. He was probably about four. She stopped behind an SUV just across from where I was parked and that’s when the kid began to scream and kick. She managed to get him out and put him in the car seat which he promptly bounced out of and to the other side of the vehicle. She closed the door and went to unload her groceries which set the kid off again. I could see him now back in his car seat kicking the front passenger seat mercilessly. She ignored him until he opened the door and began to climb out of the vehicle.

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She left the cart and went back to the child to try again. She wasn’t yelling or freaking out as she again closed the door and moved to the back of the vehicle. She kept her eye on the door and even from my vantage point I could see she was trying to move as quickly as possible.

Well, you guessed it, the little man opened the back door and got out. He went straight to his mom (I’m assuming) and kicked her in the leg. He was screaming at her as she took hold of his arm to keep him with her and finished her task with the other. When she was done she managed to get him strapped in and she left.

I was impressed by the way she kept her cool. It was good to see such a mature response to a child’s tantrum but it could’ve been very different. I’m thankful the boy has affable people in his corner. Her patience and fortitude should be applauded and many could learn a lesson from her too.

She had no idea I was watching her as she went about her business. Even though I watched from a distance I felt like I had a stake in the incident. Everything happened so quickly. I’m not even sure it was more than a minute. When the boy got out of the car the second time I didn’t know if she saw him. I was ready to jump out if he ran into the parking lot and when she went to deal with him she left her purse in the cart—I watched to make sure no one took it. There also existed the possibility that she could lose her temper and abuse or strike the child, in which case I’d have taken a picture of the vehicle and licence plate to give to the police.

Always remember someone is watching, somewhere, somehow.

Faye Arcand is a freelance writer living in the South Okanagan. She can be reached at faye.arcand@icloud.com or www.fayeearcand.com.

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Penticton Western News