Awareness campaign clarified

Follow-up information on the "Remember and Take Action to End Violence Against Women” awareness campaign.

First of all, many thanks for the article and photo in Wednesday’s Trail Times (Ribbons support commitment to end violence, Trail Times Nov. 28). We really appreciate your interest in the “Remember and Take Action to End Violence Against Women” awareness campaign which is symbolized by wearing a white ribbon.

However, I do want to clarify certain aspects of the article and hope you’ll give us room in the Letters page to do so.

First of all, although Trail FAIR Society staff are very active in the Campaign, there are many other agencies and groups who are also participating.

These include members of the Inter-Agency Community Collaboration on Violence Against Women, Poor No More, United Church Lifelong Learning and Men Speak Out Committees.

Secondly, our awareness campaign goes from November 25 to December 10 which is U.N. Human Rights Day – a significant date because, although, in law, “Human Rights are also Women’s Rights”, this is often not true in reality, especially in the area of social and economic rights.

Thirdly, the vigil of remembrance forms only a short part of our Dec. 5 public event. Participants will have a chance to hear from various groups about some very hopeful and exciting new projects and plans that are helping to make Lower Columbia communities safer and healthier for all residents.

Ann Godderis

Trail FAIR Centre Society

Trail Daily Times