‘Awesome’ front page on Brookswood hearing

Reporting praised, and request for continued coverage of Brookswood-Fernridge community plan

Editor: The front page of the March 6 Times was awesome.  Thank you for reporting on this very important topic. If you could continue to do so, especially up until the March 31 meeting of council,  it would be greatly appreciated.  The only thing I disagree with is the headline on page 5, where it said “two opponents for every supporter.” I think it was more like 80/20 or 90/10 not in favor of the current plan.

I’m waiting for the minutes to be posted on the Township website.

We plan to make t-shirts, bumper stickers and have signs posted in our windows.

Some of us are attending council this week to support Fort Langley too.

Pam Kemps,


Langley Times