B.C. coastal communities vote for GE free zone on Vancouver Island

Dear editor,

An exciting event happened this weekend in Sooke at the AGM of the Association of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities.

Dear editor,

An exciting event happened this weekend in Sooke at the AGM of the Association of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities (AVICC).

Resolution 10 was passed with overwhelming support, to declare Vancouver Island a GE free zone.
What does this really mean?

The AVICC does not have any power to legislate food production, import or export etc, so Resolution 10 declares an intention, or a leaning, towards GE free status.

Resolution 10 is an important first step, with all 51 municipalities on the Island now in tune with the concept. The AVICC will pass the resolution to a higher level, the Union of BC Municipalities, from where, if endorsed, it will pass on to the provincial government.

Below is the full text of the Resolution 10., April 14, 2013.

Whereas some Genetically Engineered (GE) crops, through pollination, can disperse their pollen and genes indiscriminately and potentially contaminate non-GE crops, resulting in lawsuits, loss of organic certification, and marketability and;

Whereas there is particular concern with the transfer of DNA between species and the potential unintended consequences, especially with animal species and;

Whereas Vancouver Island and associated Coastal Communities are isolated from other agricultural areas in British Columbia, which can provide practical approaches to avoiding contamination by GE organisms and these locations suggest that there is an opportunity for local farmers to provide organic production, to help maintain long-term sustainability, to foster a living seed bank, and to be a refuge from genetically engineered contamination;

Therefore be it resolved that AVICC ask the British Columbia government to promote a prohibition on importing, exporting and growing of genetically engineered (GE) plants and seeds, and on raising of GE animals or other genetically engineered organisms, on Vancouver Island and associated Coastal Communities and in the marine waters nearby; and take action to implement, in the area encompassed by AVICC, a GE Free area with respect to all plant and animal species.

In view of the recent groundswell of interest in the Unites States to require mandatory labelling of genetically engineered food, we will give our Island economy an extra boom by branding a GE Free Vancouver Island as the preferred food source of the west coast.

With this resolution, our Vancouver Island politicians are clearly looking out for our potential economic growth and well-being.

Thank you, elected officials.

L. Cheu,


Comox Valley Record