B.C. faces the forces of no

One resident questions whether the provincial government is listening to citizens

The “Forces of No” originate in the Premier’s office.

No to a diverse economy. No to well funded and responsible ministries. No to transparency in government. No to a responsible mining industry. No to strict laws governing the mining and resource industry. No to the expectation our premier would choose business partners who obeyed the law.

No to allowing the BCUC to rule on behalf of citizens. No to honest and meaningful discussion with First Nations. No to any concerns whatsoever over the guaranteed damage being done to our environment by fracking.

No to concern that the premier leads the most corrupt government in the history of B.C. No to eliminating BC Hydro and ICBC as cash cows for general revenues. No to admitting that books aren’t balanced with no increases to our taxes (taxes and fees are one and the same).

No to becoming an honest and trustworthy government. No to listening to the wishes of the B.C. citizen ahead of listening to the demands by Liberal cronies and corporate sponsors.

You’ve got your work cut out for you premier.

David Waterhouse


Goldstream News Gazette