B.C. Ferries managers should take wage cut

Ridership would increase if management team reduced its pay

I very much appreciated your editorial in the Nov. 21 edition of The Record.

I have felt exactly the same as you, and wonder why there isn’t anybody in the provincial government who is able to do something about it.

As fare prices rise, passenger numbers drop, and consequently the B.C. Ferries’ income goes down. It seems so simple to me, that, if the top people in management were to have a small cut in their wages and the fares have a small cut also, there would be more passengers on the ferries and B.C. Ferries would be more profitable.

Asking the seniors to pay half the fare would help, however, not cutting the management salaries and then charging the seniors is an inefficient way of balancing the books. I am a senior and am quite happy to pay a half fare, but the CEOs and top managers would hardly notice a small cut out of the huge salaries and bonuses they get.

Lilian Dudfield


Mission City Record