B.C. Ferries needs to correct course

There is a better vision. How about a 50-minute crossing between Vancouver Airport and Vancouver Island?

To the Editor,

Re: Transport plan misses boat, Editorial, March 19.

Your editorial hit the nail squarely on the head. There is no vision for the future of B.C Ferries.

When the new corporation was created in 2002, away from the arms of the provincial cabinet, a contract was signed which clearly described the functions of the new corporation. None of it included the creation of new routes or incentives to improve the system. It was a description of what was in place at the time and how to service and subsidize the routes. What we have is a dry, restrictive, unimaginative and archaic contractual agreement producing a disservice to Vancouver Island and the province.

There is a better vision. How about a 50-minute crossing between Vancouver Airport and Vancouver Island? Here is the package: a terminal at the airport on Iona Island, a terminal on Gabriola Island, and infrastructures to service those terminals.

The positives: half the distance between the present closest terminals, reduction in fares, added service – this would become the main crossing for both vehicles and passengers, an enormous economic boom for Nanaimo, a reduction to greenhouse gases as it would favor foot passengers, access to Vancouver Airport, access to the Canada Line and TransLink web.

Where are the negatives?

I strongly believe that our political leaders should wake up and start looking at what is best for us individuals, our families, small businesses and our communities.

Andre Lemieuxpast chairmanGabriola Ferry Advisory Committee

Nanaimo News Bulletin