B.C. government should consult on forestry changes

Government proposed changes in an omnibus bill that would have opened the door for a significant increase in Tree Farm Licences

By Ben Parfit

British Columbia’s forests represent the single-largest renewable asset that we have, a public resource shared with First Nations across the province.

Whatever the fate may be of our non-renewable natural gas resources, our forests can and should be there for generations to come.

Healthy forests ensure that we have clean water to drink and clean air to breathe; a diversity of animal and plant species that is found in few places on earth; a vital tool to assist us in addressing climate change; and a source of wood and other forest products that for decades has delivered economic, social and cultural benefits. For these reasons and many more, decisions about how our forests are managed are of vital public policy importance.

In the lead-up to the last provincial election, the government proposed changes in an omnibus bill that would have opened the door for a significant increase in the number of Tree Farm Licences or TFLs.

Such licences grant their recipients long-term, compensable rights to log trees on defined areas of public forestland. Due to concerns raised by numerous British Columbians, the government chose to remove the TFL clauses from the omnibus bill.

During and after the provincial election campaign, however, the government indicated that it intended to reintroduce legislation that could once again result in more TFLs being awarded. However, before doing so the government said it would consult with the citizens of British Columbia.

It has been more than six months since that consultation commitment was made, but the government has yet to reveal what British Columbians will be asked to comment on, or what opportunities they will have to voice their concerns.

Disputes over the management and conservation of British Columbia’s forests are legendary and have often pitted one or more groups against one another. Clayoquot Sound, Haida Gwaii, the Nemiah and Stein valleys, and the Great Bear Rainforest are among many examples.

Far less common is when groups that sometimes oppose one another find common ground. The government’s proposed TFL policy is one such exception to the general rule. And history tells us that it is an area where government should proceed with extreme caution.

In the late 1980s, the then Social Credit government enacted a similar proposal into law and subsequently had to rescind the legislation after hundreds of British Columbians turned out at public meetings and voiced their concerns.

Eight organizations representing a wide array of British Columbians signed a letter calling on the government to honor its public consultation promise. The groups represent a significant cross section of the provincial population and include public sector and forest industry workers, First Nations, environmental organizations and the forest industry.

The signatories to the letter may have different ideas about what changes to forest policy are needed to make for a more socially, environmentally and economically just world. But what they and others want is to be part of a conversation — a conversation that government has promised and would be wise to deliver.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Campbell River Mirror