B.C. government withholds money for agriculture

So, Christy Clark and company strike again. This time it’s the farmers and agriculture in B.C.

To the editor:

So, Christy Clark and company strike again. This time it’s the farmers and agriculture in B.C.

According to Judie Steeve’s article in Capital News, Friday, June 29 (Government Misleads Growers on Replant Program), after a big photo-op and much trumpeting to the masses, the Liberals are withholding the replanting assistance program funds announced in May as not being available until 2013.

In the story, Kirpal Bopari, president of the B.C. Fruit Growers Association, tells us the Liberal government wants to starve a lot of growers out of agriculture and farming.

The independent farmer is obviously a threat to the Liberal corporate interests in B.C. and the family farmer is suffering because of it.

“Families first,” Premier Clark? Not in this case, as in many others.

This government has done nothing to help the family farmer in B.C. The NDP have exciting plans to nurture the independent family farmer in B.C.

How frustrating that Adrian Dix and his NDP supporters have to wait until next May in order to help agriculture and the growers in British Columbia.

Laurence D.M. Marshall,


Kelowna Capital News