B.C. Liberals continue to play right into the NDP’s hands

Campbell’s legacy – what a screw-up, what a disgrace! And I’m not talking about the HST itself.

Campbell’s legacy – what a screw-up, what a disgrace! And I’m not talking about the HST itself. If governments need/want extra funds, they’ll get them, one way or another.

A value added tax (VAT) is not a bad tax, and is nothing new as it is to be found elsewhere, such as in England and New Zealand. Where the B.C. Liberals (read that: small ‘c’ conservatives) went wrong was in not providing acceptable/forthright  information and by executing a ham-fisted imposition, not including a few of the more important then-existing PST exemptions, subsidizing initial business change-over costs out of the billion plus that they got from the feds.

Now, B.C. taxpayers have to pay for its deplorable implementation and looming disposal (laying off and re-hiring auditors, giving back the billion plus to the feds). What a boost for the NDP. Just look at the latest poll: a double score for that party.

Don Wilkes


Goldstream News Gazette