B.C. Liberals’ tactics look a lot like Harper’s Conservatives

Gary Holman said provincial, federal governments have a lot in common

Recent events demonstrate how far the Harper Conservative government is willing to go to win elections, stifle dissent, and force through its hard right agenda.  The findings of the federal Auditor General – that the Harper government misled Parliament about the true costs of the war planes it is so determined to purchase – are an eerie reminder of provincial Liberal deception in imposing the HST, selling off BC Rail, and illegally stripping Charter protected collective bargaining rights.

British Columbians should also be concerned about a provincial Liberal government that is silent, and even complicit in  Conservative plans to ship tar sands oil from our pristine north coast, weaken fisheries and other environmental legislation, and shred the social safety net.

We need a provincial government that will act in the public interest, not just for corporate profit; that will reinstate social justice and sustainability as core objectives in public policy; and will defend the interests of its citizens in the face of the ideologically driven Conservatives.  The alternative is a provincial Liberal government that will simply reinforce the Harper agenda.

Gary Holman

provincial NDP candidate for Saanich North and the Islands

Peninsula News Review