Thorpe writes, “If our MP, Richard Cannings, is truly interested in the welfare of our grandchildren (Trail Times, October 11, 2018), I strongly suggest he learns the truth about fossil fuels and their “carbon emissions”.

Thorpe writes, “If our MP, Richard Cannings, is truly interested in the welfare of our grandchildren (Trail Times, October 11, 2018), I strongly suggest he learns the truth about fossil fuels and their “carbon emissions”.

B.C. MP’s climate-change alarmism challenged

Letter to the Editor from Thorpe Watson, PhD, Warfield

The ultimatums for climate-change action continue unabated. A “hothouse Earth” and a fiery “end is nigh” unless we reduce Canada’s 1.6 per cent share of the world’s total carbon emissions. We are told that this “emergency” can be addressed by purchasing indulgences (i.e. carbon tax) for our “carbon sins”.

All this doom and gloom persists even though global warming ceased about 20 years ago and we now appear to be entering a naturally-occurring cool period. If our MP, Richard Cannings, is truly interested in the welfare of our grandchildren (Trail Times, October 11, 2018), I strongly suggest he learns the truth about fossil fuels and their “carbon emissions”.

An understanding of the vital role played by carbon dioxide (“CO2”) in sustaining life on the planet provides irrefutable evidence undermining the validity of the CO2-induced, climate-change narrative. The following facts will assist in this understanding:

– “Carbon emissions” are “CO2 emissions”.

– CO2 is carbon dioxide.

– CO2 is not a pollutant.

– CO2 is plant food and an essential component of the carbon cycle.

– CO2 is a colourless, odourless, trace gas.

– CO2 is stored in the atmosphere and oceans.

– The store of life-giving CO2 is being severely depleted by natural processes.

– CO2 generated from hydrocarbon fuels (aka “fossil fuels” – coal, oil, and gas) will not restore the CO2-rich, ancient atmospheres. In fact, the atmosphere will remain CO2 starved.

– However, such man-made CO2 will extend the planet’s Green Period and, consequently, life on Earth.

Moreover, the only support for human-induced climate change is the pseudo evidence generated by fatally-flawed, climate models. The models fail to reflect reality.

Unfortunately, our carbon emissions do not give us the power to control the planet’s ever-changing climate. Nevertheless, such emissions augment the operation of the carbon cycle, thereby contributing to the viability of carbon life forms (plants and animals).

Most societies are in dire need of scientifically astute politicians with the courage and integrity to denounce the bogus, climate-change narrative and its wrongful vilification of CO2.

The use of fossil fuels will not only extend the planet’s Green Period but it is also enabling mankind to avoid the grinding poverty prevailing prior to the widespread use of such fuels.

Thorpe Watson, PhD


Trail Daily Times