B.C. Parks celebrate 100 years

Here in British Columbia we are celebrating a rare event, a 100th birthday.

Here in British Columbia we are celebrating a rare event, a 100th birthday.

B.C. Parks is celebrating its centennial and there is much to be proud of. Our government has worked hard to maintain our beautiful parks that rival and even surpass those across Canada and throughout the world.

There are so many parks that we here in the Cariboo enjoy.

There is Bridge Lake Provincial Park, with its beautiful terrain and fish-stocked lake; it’s a great spot for hiking, canoeing and fishing.

Maybe camping is your thing and with drive-in campsites available, Bridge Lake is a popular destination for locals and tourists.

Another B.C. Park where you can get a real Cariboo experience is at Bull Canyon Provincial Park. Bull Canyon is a campground located right along the gorgeous Chilcotin River.

There are shallow caves to explore, a great hiking trail right along the river, several lakes for swimming and fishing, and no shortage of wildlife — so don’t forget your binoculars.

I also wouldn’t be able to talk about B.C. Parks without mentioning our premier and government’s recent announcement that all parking meters in provincial parks are being or have been removed and parking is now free.

This will further encourage local families and visitors to our area of B.C. to take advantage of our world-class parks system.

So with the August long weekend fast approaching, I invite everyone to get out and explore the natural beauty of our local parks and be reminded of how lucky we are to live in such an amazing province.

For more information on how you can celebrate the 100th anniversary of B.C. Parks, visit: www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks.

Donna Barnett is the Liberal MLA for Cariboo-Chilcotin.

Williams Lake Tribune