B.C.’s mining companies care about environment

Like the vast majority of British Columbians I am appalled by the innuendoes expressed in your column.

To the Editor,

Re: Sludge spill will test government, industry, Opinion, Aug. 12.

Like the vast majority of British Columbians I am appalled by the innuendoes expressed in your column. The cause of the dam failure has not been proven but the facts are that the dam was monitored by the company, which reported to the appropriate ministry.

The comments that the the water “was near drinking quality” was made by the manager who knows the process and what is in the water. You say it was “lucky” that there was not a glass of sludge available; it shows that the media was not listening. He stated on the news that when the solids were removed it was drinkable.

We in Nanaimo worry when the city water turns a little murky in spring due to runoff. Remember that the tailing pond is just a settling pond and the water is returned to the process over and over.

Environmental groups are quick to criticize before they have the facts about how a mine runs and what are the processes in place to deal with situations. One cannot predict the future but using science and engineering can provide the reason why things are built to the standards in Canada.

Please explain where the company is trying to “get away with murder.” They have been more positive and concerned for environmental and economic reasons than the media and the ministry to date.

If the true facts come out, not media hype, maybe the Northern Gateway or LNG projects will have a fair day to explain their side of what is proposed and the total effects of such project. That is what the public wants before any decision is made.

Dawn Keyotevia e-mail

Nanaimo News Bulletin