B.C. Views writer offensive, biased

I am very offended by the routinely disrespectful language and scornful accusations from your B.C. Views columnist Tom Fletcher.

To the Editor,

I am very offended by the routinely disrespectful language and scornful accusations from your B.C. Views columnist Tom Fletcher.

Many of the columns I have read by him contain offensive language, extreme right-wing rants and unbridled rudeness.

Even if Black Press is right wing, at least make some effort to be professional journalists of integrity.

Even if it’s a views column, remember that your journalists are supposed to be objective and respectful.

Fletcher has no background in most of the issues he so confidently writes about and he is routinely disrespectful to teachers, students, environmentalists, educated experts, unions and the people of B.C.

Vitriolic hatred is not what I expect in the newspapers that come to my door.

This is not qualified reporting. It is personal bias. Shame on you.

Karen Hodgson

Gabriola Island

Nanaimo News Bulletin