Baby boomers not to blame

Seniors being used as scapegoat for government using pension funds to bolster other ministries

I am a baby boomer.

I am one of those faceless, nameless mobs of evil, money-sucking old people.

Those who have the audacity to have believed that all the money they paid into the Canada Pension Plan during their decades of contributing to it would one day be there to help them make ends meet in their retirement.

How inconsiderate of us!

We are the reason that most of the Generation X are now in their high-paying jobs. We scrimped and saved to send them to university, wanting a brighter future for them. We wanted everything for our children.

Now we are dinosaurs, expensive, non-contributing dinosaurs that use the burdened medical system, and sit in the sun, collecting CPP, OAS and some of us, GIS.

We never once thought the world would so out-price us, and revile us for growing old.

Perhaps I’m a little sensitive, fragile, because somehow it seems we have seen the enemy, and it is us; to quote Pogo, another ancient being.

We are easy prey because we are the silent majority. Almost as though we are the scapegoat for improper “borrowing” of funds from CPP to bolster another failing ministry’s funds? Could this be a possibility?

I think it could. But what do I know; I’m just a greedy baby boomer.

Lois Linds





Penticton Western News