Back to school at PHSS

School columnists discuss the return to Port Hardy Secondary School after the summer break.

The school year started out to the sounding of a conch shell. Yes, a conch shell. As our bell system hadn’t been set up yet,one of our creative teachers took matters into their own hands,and gave us all a little taste of a beach in paradise our first day back. Despite the first day’s holiday sound track, there wasn’t much down time for students. Immediately we were thrust back into homework and studying for tests with teens and teachers all getting used to new routines and back into the swing of things.  Our new bell schedule has taken a few of us students for a loop.We look up at the clock and think that it’s lunch or that school should be over when really there is still many minutes left of class. It will take some time for everyone to adapt to the changes.

Clubs have started up such as Student Council, which is planning a ‘Wear your favourite band T-shirt day’. As well other groups such as a yearbook club are in the planning process, it will be wonderful to see what they have in store as it will be the first yearbook in five years.

Volleyball practices have started at lunch and after school, as have school soccer practices. We have all appreciated the last days of summer warmth, but the beautiful scenery of red and orange leaves has made the transition into fall easier. Soon life will be all about pumpkins, ghosts, and other creepy creatures as we enter October.

Alexandra Southgate and Alisha MacDonald are Grade 12 students at Port Hardy Secondary School.


North Island Gazette