Back your local Post Office

The Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association calls for support for rural Post Offices.

Dear editor,

The Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association (CPAA) is the bargaining agent that represents over 8.000 employees of Canada Post Corporation who work in Rural Post Offices. In many cases, the Postmaster is responsible for providing a building for the community Post Office. Our membership, consisting of 95 per cent women, relies on meaningful employment in communities where opportunities are limited.

CPAA has received notice that the Canada Post Corporation is proposing to no longer offer Saturday service in the Sointula and Alert Bay Post Offices.  In Holberg, which is a Postmaster provided premise, the hours of service to the community will be reduced by nine hours per week. Canada Post is proposing to open the office later in the morning and close earlier in the afternoon. This Post Office is already closed Saturdays; this proposed change will make it even more difficult for residents to access postal services.

Rural Canada is not a burden to Canada Post.

Information taken from a Canada Post report indicates that the cost to deliver to a Post Office box is approximately $59 annually. The cost for a CMB (Rural Community mail box) is $108 annually and door to door delivery in urban Canada is $283 annually.

If Canada Post needs to make reductions, they are looking in the wrong place. Rural Canadians support their local Post Office. Canada Post is making it a well-known fact that mail volumes are down. A not-so-well-known fact is that parcel volumes are UP! Especially in rural and remote areas of Canada, where residents do not have the availability of shops as those in the urban areas do. Many seniors live in our rural communities and can no longer travel to do their shopping.

CPAA is asking you to support your Post Office. Canada Post is making massive cuts to small rural offices.

When a community loses it’s Post Office, it loses its identity. Please let Canada Post and your local government know that you do not support a reduction of service to your local Post Office.


Barb Lincoln,President

CPAA, BC& Yukon Branch





North Island Gazette