Bad behaviour warning signs in Terrace just don’t cut it

"When I was a teenager and the figures of authority were this weak, me and every other kid would have been laughing our butts off."

Dear Sir:

Regarding the incident that occurred on March 6 at the Terrace pool (“Offensive behaviour signs to be posted,” The Terrace Standard, March 27, 2013), I don’t know which is worse, the youths that committed this act, or the adults that responded to it.

I’m sorry but you don’t need public signs posted that state that offensive or racist behaviour is intolerable, or have a by-law officer to enforce it.

What a waste of time and money. The minute this poor woman complained to city employees, these kids should have been told to leave, told to never come back until they smarten up (hey, maybe even apologize), and their parents notified.

These same employees then should have assured this poor woman that this kind of behaviour was not tolerated.

As for city staff losing their awareness of this kind of policy – this defies any kind of common sense (or plain civility) to anyone with enough backbone to stand up to a couple of bratty teenage boys.

I’m sorry to say these things, but to actually have to post signs and have a by-law officer enforce proper behaviour at a public institution, just shows the level of absolute stupidity of our city council.

Don’t the city bylaw officers and the Mounties have better things to do with their time?

When I was a teenager and the figures of authority were this weak, me and every other kid would have been laughing our butts off. That is before my parents would have booted mine to the moon.

William Ramsdin,

Terrace, B.C.


Terrace Standard