Bad drivers abound


I travel 16th Avenue every morning to take my dogs to the park, and every morning I am either following or being followed by a dump truck. When I’m following I can go a little faster because they speed; when I’m being followed I am being forced to travel faster.

But this morning, in defence of the dump truck drivers, as I was turning west on 16th I witnessed a gold-coloured car at the corner of 16th and 264th take advantage of the vacant left turn lane onto 264 and use it to pass a semi truck and then again shortly thereafter to cross a double solid yellow line to pass the vehicle in front of the dump truck. Only to end up stuck behind a couple of other vehicles that were being slowed down by a slow moving dump truck. Poetic justice.

Point to note: it’s not always the truck driver’s fault. But I must note the dump truck driver, when I passed him as I was turning left at 216th, was on his cell phone.

Debbie Atkinson, Langley

Aldergrove Star