Badminton courts would be a welcome addition

Cordova Bay Community Club project will be able to provide access to a variety of activities

I am delighted to hear that the Cordova Bay Community Club is proposing a plan to rebuild at the 941 Sutcliffe Ave. site. The new building will be able to provide access to a variety of activities (badminton, pickleball, table tennis, yoga, Zumba, fitness, community meetings and other functions).

These activities will be open to all members of the public, of all ages and will be able to accommodate family activities as well. In the past my family, our neighbors and myself have enjoyed playing badminton in this building. We also look forward to participating in the variety of activities that will be offered. As a health care provider that works with families to promote health and prevent diseases, I am delighted that families will have more access to activities that promote wellness and good health.

I have heard that some residents on Sutcliffe Avenue are concerned about an increase in traffic with the new building. The new building would include four badminton courts which would attract 2-16 drivers (depending on the session). As badminton is an individual sport, there is no need for a bus to drive “the team” to practices or tournaments. During a tournament (three to five a year) many of the out-of-town players are driven to the facility by the local players that are hosting them.

The new building includes generous parking, on site, to accommodate these vehicles. There is no need for buses to bring these players to the building. I hope this is helpful information. I also hope Saanich residents come out and support this building plan and see it as an opportunity for fun, fitness and community capacity building.

Donna Warrender


Cordova Bay



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