Baker Street banner not appropriate

This morning I was quite surprised to see the content of the new banner as it went up on Baker Street

This morning I was quite surprised to see the content of the new banner as it went up on Baker Street: “From Conception to Natural Death; Respect Human Life.”

I take huge offence to this new banner as I think it serves to shame and exclude certain members of the society into conforming to standards that are upheld by a few.

When faced with banners and posters like this, it judges one immediately without taking into consideration circumstances of situations. Having never had to make this kind of decision, I cannot put myself into the shoes of those who have. But I can only imagine, based on the way that I feel when faced with this in such a context, how it must make those feel who have.

I do not feel as though this banner suits the lifestyle that Nelson is trying to promote: an inclusive and open society. This directly excludes many, and I believe that based on that alone, it should be taken down as soon as possible.

The mere fact that it was allowed up, is shocking.

This is the second time in less than two months that I’ve been subjected to this feeling while roaming Nelson. The first time upwards of 30 people lined the highway on both sides just up hill from 7-Eleven with signs similar to this banner.

I feel as though life is not so black and white, and this banner, put up on the eve of the huge controversial presidential election (good timing, I must give you props to that), is pushing the boundaries a bit too far.

I understand free speech. I get the value in it, obviously.  But judging someone without fulling understanding full circumstances or situations is not the kind of community I wish to live in.

Kaylne Beka



Nelson Star