Be a friend to public education

Public education is important. Being a member of the Chilliwack Board of Education is a rewarding job complete with responsibilities and obligations.

Chilliwack School District No. 33 wants you!

Public education is important. Being a member of the Chilliwack Board of Education is a rewarding job complete with responsibilities and obligations.

In the civic election three years ago, only eight people ran for seven positions. Public education is one of society’s most treasured institutions. Please consider putting your name forward as a candidate and potential trustee.

Being a friend of public education and working together with colleagues on a board of education has challenges, opportunities and rewards. Trustees and the executive team working in a collaborative environment is critical to the district’s obligation and responsibility to the community to provide an education that will prepare all students for life beyond Grade 12.

The board of education is responsible for the approval and monitoring of an operating budget of about $110 million. In addition there is a capital budget that presently approaches another $100 million. Further, the board of education is charged with the job of passing policy that guides the district in its day-to-day operations.

The time commitment varies depending on committee appointments and other obligations. However, a trustee can expect to spend up to five hours on non-board meeting weeks and between five to 10 hours on weeks when there is a board meeting.

If you believe being a public school trustee is something that might interest you, please pick up nomination papers at City Hall and return them before Oct. 14, 2011.

If you have questions regarding the exciting world of becoming a trustee for the Chilliwack Board of Education please contact Board Chair, Doug McKay at 604-798-1393 or at

Doug McKay, chair

Chilliwack Board of Education

Chilliwack Progress