Be aggressive, not afraid


Re: Raccoon city looming, Jan. 26.

The letter by Shukrieh R. Merlet reminded me of a confrontation I had with raccoons recently at my last place on Royal Avenue.

Having two cats, I pay attention to raccoons, as they have been known to kill pets. One night, my cats started acting strangely, so I went outside and found myself face to face with a raccoon. It had come into my yard through a break in my fence.

I frightened it off, and I thought that was the end of it. Not. A while later, the raccoon was back, and this time had a very big male with it who was not afraid of me. I slipped back into the house and grabbed a baseball bat that I keep handy and quietly went to the side garage door.

Taking a big breath, I came rushing out baseball bat in hand and a loud roar. I never hit it – as I would never do something like that, unless it actually attacked me – but believe you me, I scared the @#*@# out of it.

They spread the word and I never had a raccoon drop by again.

You absolutely have to show these animals who’s boss. But you better have a weapon handy, because they really are aggressive and, unless the threat truly is serious, they’ll ignore you, or worse, possibly attack you or your pets.

But really, folks, we’re a lot bigger, and a lot smarter than they are. Don’t be afraid. Be aggressive. They’re not used to that!

And they’re smart enough to remember and get the word out not to bother your place any more.

Doug E. Lachance, White Rock

Peace Arch News