Letter writers aren’t welcoming the arrival of smart meters in B.C.

Letter writers aren’t welcoming the arrival of smart meters in B.C.

Be informed about smart meters

Letter writers sound off about BC Hydro technology used to examine energy use.

Smart meters are about to make your life a living  nightmare.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Are these smart meters CSA or UL approved?

2. Can smart meters cause problems with your expensive electronics, such as interference with wireless phones, garage door openers, wireless routers for Internet, wireless video streaming, some medical equipment, and many more?

Be informed, don’t wait until a smart meter is installed on your home.

For more information visit the Coalition to Stop Smart Meters at http://stopsmartmetersbc.ca/


Joyce Boles



Re: “Anti-smart meter campaign is uninformed foolishness,” Letters, The Leader, Jan. 3.

I don’t belong to any union, however, I am electrohypersensitive and on CPP disability for it.

I resent the very idea that anyone, much less a publicly owned utility (for the moment, until the Liberals completely bankrupt Hydro and sell its leftovers to their buddies), can mount a microwave emitter on my house that will irradiate me and my family without my consent.

I do not have a cellphone, cordless phone, wifi, microwave oven or iAnything, and don’t intend to get one.

Why would I allow B.C. Hydro to force me to expose myself to deadly radiation when I don’t do it voluntarily myself, inside my own home?


Christel Martin



Constant surveillance

BC Hydro is a publicly owned corporation and we the people do have a right to express our opinion on how the company conducts its business.

There was no public consultation on installing the smart meters. UBCM mayors voted 55 per cent in favour of placing a moratorium on the installation of smart meters.

BC Hydro does not have $1 billion to buy these smart meters, so who will pay?

We will.

After much public outcry, in Australia, The Netherlands, and Sacramento, California the smart meters are being taken out after it was discovered that ordinary Joe and Jane Average were facing increases in their hydro bills to the tune of 300-400 per cent. Not to mention the radio waves are not good for your health.

Smart meters are constant surveillance, 24/7. Information is stored in BC Hydro computers and in my opinion will be shared with other organizations.

You have the right to refuse smart meters being installed in your house.

If BC Hydro should cut off our power because we refused the smart meter, they will be slapped with a huge class action lawsuit.


Mary Mikelson


No refuge from meters

Re: “What makes you so smart?” The Leader, Jan. 5.

I was with Mr. Jeff Nagel when he said it is wise to listen to doctors, scientists and engineers who have studied a subject for years, and foolish to listen to others.

I would add it is foolish to believe everything people who are trying to sell you something, without wise investigation.

It is also foolish to ignore experience of others in similar situations. Kind of like those who ignore mistakes of others are bound to experience those mistakes themselves.

This applies to smart meters in every sense. Scientists who have studied RF radiation for decades warn us against adding yet another layer of radiation to our homes, one we cannot turn off or escape.

With cellphones and wifi, more people are choosing to avoid these by having landlines, or at least, to turn them off when not being used.

Smart meters operate everywhere 24/7 – there will be no refuge. We ignore the scientific warnings at our peril.

And look at problems encountered in Australia, Ontario and  California with dramatically increased monthly bills, hacking, fires, damaged appliances, no cost or energy savings.

It would be foolish to believe it won’t happen in BC. It is not smart to be foolish.


Sharon Noble


Surrey Now Leader