Be real-life hero: sign up as an organ donor

Would you like to be able to save someone’s life after you die?

Would you like to be able to save someone’s life after you die?

Ninety per cent of Canadians answer that question with a “yes”, but almost all of them won’t be able to do so.

And the only thing stopping them is dedicating the few minutes it will take to officially put their names on an organ donor list.

Shockingly, only 20 per cent of people have made any plans to donate. This according to the Canadian Transplant Society.

Some folks have cultural traditions that will not allow them to become an organ donor. A few more just don’t like the idea and decline. But most simply haven’t taken the time to sign up.

Of those, some don’t want to think about dying. Anything to do with the subject is avoided, including making a will, insurance, and organ donation.

We hope a few of these folks can get over their squeamishness for long enough to sign up, then they’re welcome to forget about the subject again.

But the vast majority just need that little push. Perhaps we can provide it here.

Consider our story about Natalie Williams, a 19-year-old who should be planning her future career and family, but instead is faced with the very real possibility that she will die.

She has suffered from the medical condition biliary atresia since infancy, and it has now left her in need of a full liver transplant.

There is nothing she can do but wait, and hope.

But there is something you can do. You can put your name on the donor list, and tell everyone you know to do the same.

It is just a fact that some people are going to die while many parts of their bodies are still in good working order.

We cannot avoid all such tragedies.

But something good can come out of it. Someone like Natalie Williams can be given the gift of life, turning tragedy to hope.

Consider this: “One donor can benefit more than 75 people and save up to eight lives.”

When faced with this information — eight lives — can you think of a convincing justification for continuing to just be too lazy to make your wishes known?

How much more important can something possibly get?

We’ll make it even easier for you. Here’s the web address where you can register:

We’ve all imagined ourselves at some point as the hero in a big blockbuster movie, standing tall and saving lives.

Well, this is the easiest way you can ever save a life. Sign up to be a real-life hero.

Cowichan Valley Citizen