Be visible and be safe

A letter writer says all pedestrians should avoid jaywalking and wear brighter clothing.

I cannot agree more with Sabrina Hingston (Letters, Dec 15.)

Not just senior pedestrians, but rather all pedestrian should not jaywalk at all.

It is especially dangerous in the winter months and it makes it worst if they are wearing dark clothes.

I am a transit bus driver and I see people putting their own lives at risk of being hit by motorist by not wearing bright clothing.

Luckily, transit operators are well-trained and we had averted many accidents.

Because we are well-trained also means that we don’t slam on the brakes at the last instant as we approach a bus stop.

If you are waiting for the bus wearing dark clothing and keeping as still as a pole, we simply cannot see you and if we miss you, you may learn that bus drivers are not equipped with night-vision goggles to look out for you.

Enjoy the rest of the winter season, be visible and stay safe.

Sam G.J. Teo, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader