Beacon Park noise blasts us out of our condos

The park is used by hundreds of people each week and their activities contribute to a vibrant downtown

I am one of the few negative responses making demands regarding infrequent noise so eloquently referred to in the Peninsula News Review article regarding the noise from the bandstand.

The concerns of Pier residents were misrepresented by the article. As a result, the individuals who were quoted were misinformed, as is now the general public who read the article.

This was never about park noise, the Sunday afternoon concerts nor sanctioned activities such as the sail past, Canada Day Celebrations, Tour de Rock or the like. This is about the noise generated from the bandstand from the ever increasing sanctioned activities and those that are not sanctioned, including bands and musicians that play loudly for hours on end, skateboarders, buskers, people playing bongo drums and various musical instruments at all hours of the day and night.

The bandstand amplifies sound, so why do even sanctioned concerts need so much electronic amplification that we are blasted out of our condos?

We do believe we have the same right of inclusion in the Town of Sidney noise bylaws that all other residential areas are entitled to.

Those of us who expressed concern to the Town were not interviewed for this flawed article. First, there are more than a few residents/taxpayers who expressed concern. Secondly, the bandstand was erected after our units were built and sold, with no consultation from the Town.

At no time was a replacement for the gazebo in the form of a naturally amplified all-weather venue ever discussed with us or the citizens of Sidney that we know of.

Yes, we knew and accept that there would be park noise, but the natural amplification of all sounds, especially musical, from the bandstand is certainly more noise than any other park in Sidney experiences. Nor have we ever suggested that any of the events hosted by the Peninsula Celebrations Society be curtailed.

The park is used by hundreds of people each week and their activities contribute to a vibrant downtown.

The park and its dynamics are not the exclusive domain of those using the bandstand — sanctioned or unsanctioned. On a regular basis, the park is used by hundreds of people.

We have made a request to the Town that there be a balance of activities in the bandstand to accommodate both citizens and the residents/taxpayers who are inundated with noise frequently every day all day and a method to deal with unsanctioned noise.

We asked that sanctioned activities be carefully vetted with an understanding of the noise related issues, including taking into consideration when condo owners might wish for their own in-home celebrations, such as on Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day, and that unsanctioned activities that create undue noise are dealt with through our bylaws and bylaw enforcement.

As I type this at 8:30 on Saturday evening, a trio of transients complete with grocery cart, backpacks, two dogs and three guitars have set up in the bandstand to entertain us for the evening. Sunday will be the afternoon concert followed by three hours of tango.

Welcome to our neighborhood!

J. Rosene



Peninsula News Review