Beacon works well as-is

The last place I want to see my tax dollars go is into something that works so well as it is

I could not agree more with Barry Bell’s comments (Peninsula News Review, Jan. 17) regarding keeping Beacon Avenue the way it is.

The last place I want to see my tax dollars go is into something that works so well as it is.

My husband and I moved from Ontario two years ago and one of the first things we noticed is how well the whole town flowed. It did not take us more than a minute to adjust to the one way traffic flow. We loved it!

We came from a town very similar to Sidney with a two way main street. The traffic was far more congested and the parking harder. Here it is much easier to park on both sides of the street.

I am in Sidney almost every day and have never seen anyone going the wrong way on Beacon. My guess is that it does not happen very often and when it does an accident would not occur. I agree with Barry the two way stop signs on Bevan and James White create more of a problem.

The one way flow gives Sidney a character all it’s own. Please do not destroy it.

Karen Turrall




Victoria News