Beefs and Bouquets

I would like to express my beef to the angry woman I was unlucky enough to encounter while driving on Friday, Aug. 12.

I would like to express my beef to the angry woman I was unlucky enough to encounter while driving on Friday, Aug. 12.

She was heading south on Hwy. 17 attempting to make a left turn onto McDonald Park Road while I was heading north and turning onto McDonald Park Road as well. I slowed to yield (as the sign indicates) in order to allow her to safely cross the two lanes of traffic.

A wave of thanks would have been a more appropriate gesture than the rude ones that were sent my way. I suggest she heads down to driver services in Sidney to pick up one of the learning manuals to get a better understanding of road signs.



I would like to send many bouquets to those who helped me when I fell on Bevan Avenue.

To the local hero who helped me to my feet, used paper towel from his van to blot the blood from my head and stayed with me until I composed myself. You are truly a local hero in my eyes; to the very kind lady awaiting service in Eyeland who noticed my discomfort and offered to drive me home; and to the owner of Eyeland who took the time to fix my glasses and would not accept any payment for his trouble.

To you all, thank you very much for your help and compassion when I needed it most.

This is what makes Sidney such a wonderful place to live.

Yvonne Wiggs


Thanks everyone for making the last 25-plus years of the Keg summer volleyball series such an incredible time. Thanks for all of your friendships and wonderful memories.

A special thanks to my long time co-coordinator Les Peterson; Dr. Marty Donatelli for his special tribute during the final tournament as well as tabulating the summer series grand champion.

Also a special thank you to my long-time sponsors.

Lorne Chan


The first Tsartlip Sidney Scout group would like to send a huge bouquet to everyone who assisted in making their information booths at the Thursday Night Market such successes.

Shelley Hanchar



The performance of the Barber of Seville at our local cinema was fantastic and very obviously enjoyed by all.

Thank you to Star Cinema and the Peninsula News Review for sponsoring such a special event.

Odette Meurer



Peninsula News Review