BOUQUET: To the very kind lady who paid for the roses that I was going to purchase at Thrifty’s in Colwood. They were for my wife on our 50th anniversary on Dec. 5. This lady and I chatted in the lineup and when I got to the till she had already paid for the roses! “A gift,” she said. This was a generous moment I will never forget. I will pay it forward one day.
BEEF: A beef to the person driving the white pickup truck eastbound Jenkins Road on Dec. 13. After feeling the need to cross the solid yellow line and pass the car in front of you because they were driving the speed limit, you continued to accelerate in the oncoming lane as my wife and I were driving home. To prevent a terrible collision, we slammed on the brakes while you swerved back into your lane and sped past, missing us by mere metres. Your terrible decision could have cost lives, all so you could save, maybe, 10 seconds of time. Decisions like yours ruin lives. Get a grip.
BEEF: To all the Spencer and Dunsmuir school parents who suddenly stop their vehicles in the school crosswalks and let their prodigies dash out of their vehicles. Your actions may eventually help strengthen the human gene pool. Although it has not happened yet, one day, your lazy and thoughtless action is going to result in a serious incident involving your child. Drivers in the opposite lane are focused on the school side of the road, not your child suddenly dashing in from the left. What are you thinking? If you must drive your student to school, use a parking lot or designated drop off area. Try leaving for school 15 minutes earlier or drop your child off 100 yards from the school and let them walk (they will get more fresh air and exercise). Quit risking your children’s lives!
BOUQUET: To the family on Triangle Mountain that have put up a huge Christmas star that shines over all of us. So wonderful, thank you and merry Christmas.
BOUQUET: To the owners of the Girou Road Christmas house … Just awesome … Thank you for showing our community the Christmas spirit. We loved it and the kids loved it too!
BOUQUET: A big shout out to the cities of Colwood and Langford for the amazing Christmas displays this year. The holidays are going to be very different this year, but to be able to hop in the car with my family and enjoy some free Christmas displays right in our communities in the West Shore makes it better. Our family thanks you for all the hard work put into these Christmas displays and we just wanted to let you know that it has made difference for our family. Thank you!
BOUQUET: A huge bucket of Christmas roses to all our local businesses located in the West Shore. Our community is better because of you. Stay strong during these times. You have my support and we will continue to support local even after the holiday season and for many more years to come. Bless you and your families this holiday season for working so hard to keep your businesses going. Support local this holiday season and always. Merry Christmas to you all.
BEEF: To the driver in the red Jeep YJ driving the Malahat at 5:30 on Friday night. Get a grip … Really, you need to go that fast, swerving in and out of traffic like you’re the next NASCAR driver?
BOUQUET: To all the teachers and admin staff in the Sooke School District. Happy holidays and a very merry Christmas to you and your families. We appreciate you!
READ MORE: Beefs & Bouquets
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