
Beefs and Bouquets, Dec. 30

To submit a beef or a bouquet, email

BOUQUET: A big bouquet out to the Nifty Thrift Shop in Langford. The store is super affordable and elegant! I entered a raffle and won a fabulous gift basket. All the sponsors were very generous and I wanted to thank them for donating, and the owner, who worked hard for the raffle to be such a success! The store has a heartwarming cause and it’s wonderful that this thrift store not only keeps items affordable for community, but gives back.

BOUQUET: To the police officer in the black SUV who approached me in the Goldstream mall parking lot on Dec. 15. Thanks! Your advice regarding my poor driving skills through the red light really hit home. I took the time to analyze my daily driving habits (job) and realized I was seriously taking chances that I shouldn’t be. I spent the rest of the day driving normally and I realized that I don’t really get anywhere faster with all the red lights, stop signs and pedestrians walking around. And now after work I go home and I’m not stressed out or pissed off from driving around like my car’s on fire. It’s relaxing just driving normally and safer for everyone. Thanks!

BOUQUET: Hello Michelle, I believe you were the one that waited for over an hour in the cold last night to award a seven-year-old a prize for a recent colouring contest in the Gazette. The seven-year-old is my son’s girlfriend’s little person and I just wanted to share their story.

The Gazette recently ran a very good piece on Fisgard lighthouse celebrating a milestone anniversary. I took the article to my 91-year-old mom in Saanich, who loves all things Victoria history related. Little did I know on the opposite side of the page was the Goldstream Gazette’s Christmas colouring contest.

My mom called and said what a great opportunity for seven-year-old Michael to show off his colouring skills and asked me to take it to him next time I was in town. Michael was thrilled with the opportunity but had troubles arranging to drop it off at your office, as they do not have access to a car. My husband arranged the next time he was over near their place to pick it up and drive it to your office.

The big day came when there was a phone call announcing Michael had a prize! After many failed bus attempts reading schedules wrong, and promised rides falling through, the three of them decided to take their bikes down the icy roads to get to you before 4 p.m. I got a desperate phone call from them saying they had not made the deadline and were afraid they had missed you. I said I’d meet them there immediately as I was coming back from town. Off they went again in the dark and arrived after five.

As I waited at Tim Hortons for them and looked across at the very dark Gazette office, my heart sank. But then I was thrilled when I saw you come from a vehicle and go into the Gazette and lights shone brightly. These kids have had nothing but disappointment and setbacks lately, and this small little win was wonderful. Brought tears to Michael’s mom’s eyes and I just needed to share with you what joy you brought a little Langford family.

RESPONSE BOUQUET: Thank you Andrea, this is a great email to read. However I cannot take the credit this was our circulation coordinator Jasmine. She really is an incredible employee and I am so happy we were able to bring some cheer! Have a very Merry Christmas and wish your family a happy holidays from the team at the Gazette!

BOUQUET: To the West Shore, merry Christmas and happy holidays. Thank you to all that lit up their homes and brought the holiday spirit to our community. Have a safe and joyous holiday season.

BOUQUET: To the family with the home on Girou Road, thank you for putting your holiday spirit and hard work into the incredible decorations. WOW, my children were blown away. And a special thank you to the neighbours who have had to put up with all the extra traffic. Merry Christmas!

BOUQUET: To the City of Colwood and their light show at Meadow Park. It made for some incredible family photos. Merry Christmas City of Colwood!

BOUQUET: To the lovely gentleman in the BIG grey Truck … I think it was a Ford, on Sunday, Dec. 20 who paid for my lunch at the Timmie’s drive-thru on Goldstream Avenue. I’ll pay it forward, it definitely made my day!

BOUQUET: To all of our newspaper carriers for the Goldstream News Gazette. Your dedication and hard work does not go unnoticed. Through the rain, and snow you have all worked hard to deliver our community news to the doorsteps of your neighbours. Merry Christmas and Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!

BOUQUET: Thank you to Thomas Allen and his son for personally delivering a misdirected parcel to our house on Christmas Eve. This was an unexpected gift and it brightened our day! It’s comforting to know there are still honest people in the world.

READ MORE: Beefs & Bouquets

Goldstream Gazette reserves the right to edit submissions and discard Beefs deemed libellous or mean-spirited. Please limit submissions to 150 words.

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