BEEF: My beef is with some of my Colwood neighbours who wander through my back yard in spite of the no trespassing and private property signs. When asked what they’re doing, they reply, “we’re just looking for deer antlers.” I wouldn’t dream of walking across their lawns and telling them, ‘I’m just picking mushrooms’ or something like that.
BEEF: Shame on the property owners along Lagoon Drive who did not bother to clean their sections of sidewalk after this rare snowfall event. Many were still not done on Tuesday afternoon! It is the owners’ responsibility to maintain these steep sections of sidewalk for everyone, not just the kids walking to school. Why doesn’t the City of Colwood bylaw officer pay these folks a visit, or better yet add the cleaning charge to their property taxes?
BOUQUET: To all property owners who took the opportunity to get some fresh air and cleaned the snow off their sidewalks. This enabled more people to get out for a safe walk over the Valentine’s/Family Day weekend.
BEEF: Minty fresh flavours and a suggestion to gum chewers everywhere: spit out your gum on the roads instead of the sidewalks. Nobody likes stepping over masticated, saliva soaked wads. You can get rid of the yuk factor by depositing your used-up gum where it can actually do some good. Since it has the same consistency and durability as asphalt-and is in most cased composed of the same petroleum-based products, you would be helping our roads and streets last longer. Not to mention that the blobs of gum are indistinguishable from the pebbles embedded in the paving and don’t look unsightly there.
BOUQUET: Miracles still happen … Our roads were actually plowed the same day as it snowed, on both of our most recent snowfalls. So to have a snowplow go by so fast is amazing. Thank you, Mainroad Contracting, we can only live in hope that this service will continue!
BEEF: In case you don’t know the rules of the road when travelling through a playground, hours after sunset and before sunrise don’t think you’re going to bug me by driving 30 km/h for the next kilometre. I just attribute it to the lack of intelligence and adjust accordingly. Please try to educate yourself, it’s all in the drivers’ handbooks.
BOUQUET: I support local business, especially during these difficult times. I was happy to see our West Shore doing well during the Christmas season, with long lineups sometimes. However, as we all know, online shopping can be cheaper and more convenient, as well as safer in this pandemic. So please local business owners, understand that your customers and clients are hurting, too. We are all in this together. Hopefully it will be over soon. Support local business whenever possible!
BOUQUET: A big, big shout out to the great customer service at Glenwood Meats. We could not have a better butcher shop in the West Shore. Way to go staff and owner, we love your meats and we love your staff!
READ MORE: Beefs & Bouquets
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