
Beefs and Bouquets, Feb. 3

To submit a beef or a bouquet, email

BEEF: A big shame on you beef to those adults that think stifling and dismissing a child’s passion and enthusiasm makes their own light shine brighter. May you never succeed in dulling the glow of innocence.

BEEF: As I drive around Langford, I am saddened by the increasing number of forested areas that have been clearcut. I guess the money brought in by these developments is more important than trees and green space.

BOUQUET: I would like to send a huge bouquet to the young couple who were at the Langford Great Canadian Superstore on Friday, Jan. 29 around 11:20 a.m. I am a senior citizen and I unknowingly dropped a $50 bill out of my pocket near the lotto centre. This couple turned it into the employee then asked me if I had dropped the money. When I checked in my coat pocket I discovered that I was indeed missing the bill. I thanked them for doing that as they could have just as easily kept on going once they found it. You are truly wonderful people and thank you again for that and also for letting me know that there are still good people all around us.

BEEF: To the people who have the right to pick up and drop off students at Hans Helgeson School. Recently, 20 or more cars, including mine, were stopped in the school zone for close to 15 minutes because a small number of you selfishly insisted on turning off Rocky Point into an already gridlocked parking area. These actions created an obstructed roadway. I missed an appointment that day. The travelled road should not be the de facto overflow parking lot for student pickup. When the lot is full, common sense dictates you pull over where safe to do so, thus allowing others to drive through. Use this opportunity to show your children how to be courteous to others and how to cross the road safely thereafter. Ask council to provide a painted crosswalk which would offer a safer alternative if crossing the road becomes necessary.

BEEF: To the homeowner in Royal Bay whose dog is outside barking constantly … enough already!

BOUQUET: A big bouquet of roses to the staff at Market Stores. Being a senior in the West Shore community during this pandemic can sometimes be a very isolating and scary situation. I have decided to make the Market Stores my place for groceries as it allows me to have the space to shop and support local. I am starting to recognize staff and have also been recognized as a regular shopper. My experience with the staff has been incredible. They have made me not only feel safe, but when they stop to say hi, or ask me if I need help finding anything, they are giving me social conversation that I am not getting during this pandemic. They have made me feel like family. Thank you for connecting with me when visiting your store and also making me feel safe. Keep up the good work!

BOUQUET: A heartfelt thank you to the owners of Ma Millers Pub and all the staff. We have appreciated you, and are sad to see you go. Hoping to see you back soon, we’ll miss you!

BEEF: For all the drivers that are still not turning their lights on when the weather requires it, or it’s dark out … turn your lights on!

BOUQUET: I would like to thank all the staff at the Alexander Mackie Lodge. Your dedication to your residents is amazing. During this pandemic it has not been easy for long-term care homes and your staff is doing an incredible job!

READ MORE: Beefs & Bouquets

Do you have someone to thank, or a peeve to get off your chest? Send it to or drop it off in the mailbox in front of the Gazette office.

The Gazette reserves the right to edit submissions and discard Beefs that are deemed to be libellous or mean-spirited.

Please limit submissions to 150 words.

Goldstream News Gazette