
Beefs and Bouquets for Aug. 12

BOUQUET: There is no bouquet big enough to thank Angie from the postal counter in Fairway Market on Goldstream Avenue, for the years of fabulous service, as I hear that you have moved on from the job at Fairway. I wish you all the best with your next employment. A new employer will be truly lucky to have you on staff.

BOUQUET: There is no bouquet big enough to thank Angie from the postal counter in Fairway Market on Goldstream Avenue, for the years of fabulous service, as I hear that you have moved on from the job at Fairway. I wish you all the best with your next employment. A new employer will be truly lucky to have you on staff.

I remember when you were a checkout cashier during the Western Foods era, and once the postal service was established at the store you were always at the other side of the desk when I picked up a parcel or my mail. You were knowledgeable, efficient, and so pleasant to deal with. My days were a bit better when I received such great customer service from you, which was consistently outstanding. We were all spoiled by that, and I will miss you very much.

BOUQUET: A big thank you to residents of the corner of Meaford Street and Millstream Road. All winter I could look out at night from my kitchen window, and I smiled because of the Christmas lights smiling back at me. Thank you to all.

BOUQUET: Heartfelt thanks to the gentleman who paid for my wine at Liquor Planet, when I fumbled to find my bank card in my backpack.

BEEF: Big beef to Colwood Parks for neglecting Pioneer Cemetery maintenance. The city is responsible for clean-up of tree waste and keeping the grass down. It has been months since anything was done, and it is now a very large fire danger with three-foot-tall grass and tree waste left to lay amongst the graves. You advertise the Pioneer Cemetery as a heritage site, clean it up. It is not the graves around the heritage church, just for your info.

READ MORE: Beefs and Bouquets

Do you have someone to thank, or a peeve to get off your chest? Send it to or drop it off in the Gazette office mailbox.

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Goldstream News Gazette