Beefs and Bouquets for January

Saanich Peninsula residents write about what impressed, irked them last month

I would like to thank the gentleman in line in front of me at the Sidney Thrifty Foods on the evening of Tuesday, Jan. 3. You purchased a Smile Card and asked the cashier to pass it along to the next person in line. This random act of kindness absolutely made my day and reminded me that there really are good people out there.

Jenny Comer


Heartfelt thanks and season’s best wishes to the Sidney Thrifty Foods supermarket cashier who turned in my wallet and contents on Dec. 15 and to the service desk attendant who phoned to inform me even before I realized its absence. Such honest and kindness are hallmarks of Sidney townsfolk in general, and the Thrifty’s staff in particular.

Name withheld by request


A great big bouquet to all the Secret Santas. Individuals, families and businesses, in partnership with the Sidney North Saanich RCMP, generously provided gifts, opportunities and selfless affection to bring extra cheer to 28 families throughout the Peninsula this Christmas. The donations were warmly received by all families. Thank you all for a second year of support.

Const. Elf (Ravi)


The Saanich Historical Artifact Foundation wishes to express a sincere thank you to the public who came out to Christmas in the Village. Your response to this event was the best we have had to date and we will now be able to assist the Saanich Historical Artifacts Society with some of the projects they have planned for the 2012 season.

Donna Hunter


The Grinch who stole Christmas from a single mother and her two children should feel thoroughly ashamed. How could anyone have done this cruel deed to a young, struggling family at this time of goodwill? A hand-sewn black quilt with hockey logos of red and white specially made for her son who comes from Ontario for Christmas, along with all family gifts, were stolen from my granddaughter’s van on Christmas Eve. A reward is being offered to anyone for the recovery of this hockey quilt.

Caroline E.Whitehead


The staff at CIBC would like to thank the Sidney Bakery and Serious Coffee for donating cookies and coffee so that we could raise money to help the Sidney Lions Food Bank at the Christmas parade on Dec. 3.

Janice Brown


A big thank you to everyone who donated their spare change to Parkland secondary school’s Spread the Net team during the Sidney Sparkles parade. With your help, we raised $440. When added to the proceeds we made this year through other fundraisers, we now have a grand total of $640, meaning we can buy 64 nets that will protect up to 320 African children from the spread of malaria. What a generous community we live in.

Alli Rickson and Helen Roy

On behalf of the Sidney fire department, thank you to the residents of the Town of Sidney for their overwhelming support in our annual Christmas food drive. 2011 was the biggest success yet. We are very proud to serve such a kind and generous community.

Sidney fire department


Send your beefs or bouquets to us at 6-9843 Second Street, Sidney, fax 250-656-5526 or email Beefs and Bouquets is a free service provided by the News Review.

Peninsula News Review