
Beefs and Bouquets for July 22

BOUQUET: Huge bouquets and heartfelt thanks to the folks who helped after my accident July 13 on the 4000-block of Metchosin Road. A small deer jumped directly in front of my large scooter (Bergman 400) and I slammed hard on my brakes. The deer was hit but took off. I fell hard on my shoulder. You all leaped into action, keeping me from moving, talking to me, directing traffic, calling 911, taking care of my belongings and assisting Fire and EMS responders, as I lay on my back on the hot asphalt. The competent and caring responses of everyone who helped me that day were great reminders of the good there is in this world.

BOUQUET: Huge bouquets and heartfelt thanks to the folks who helped after my accident July 13 on the 4000-block of Metchosin Road. A small deer jumped directly in front of my large scooter (Bergman 400) and I slammed hard on my brakes. The deer was hit but took off. I fell hard on my shoulder. You all leaped into action, keeping me from moving, talking to me, directing traffic, calling 911, taking care of my belongings and assisting Fire and EMS responders, as I lay on my back on the hot asphalt. The competent and caring responses of everyone who helped me that day were great reminders of the good there is in this world.

BEEF: While travelling home on Sooke Road my 10-foot Pelican kayak dislodged itself and flew off my truck. By the time I turned around to pick it up, it was gone. Someone had obviously spotted it on the road, somewhere between Ronald Road and Chan Place, and took it. The incident occurred on Tuesday, July 13. A true act of kindness would be to return it, no questions asked. Perhaps to the Colwood RCMP, or to my address? Please. I cannot afford to purchase a new kayak.

BOUQUET: I want to send a huge bouquet to Carolyn, a nurse at Eagle Ridge Arena, administering vaccine shots on the afternoon of July 7. I’m on a blood thinner and my INR was pretty high (blood was very thin so bled easily). I’d developed a hematoma on my left arm, the arm I presented for my vaccine shot, as a result of the stretch of extreme temperatures and high humidity. She took extra time to ensure that the shot went into a muscle, so that there would be no bruising, got an ice pack for me to use after the shot, and asked me to stay an extra 10 minutes to ensure that I was OK before leaving. She was professional, personable, and so polite. It was an altogether pleasant and positive experience. Thank you, Carolyn.

BOUQUET: Thank you to all the gardeners who have such beautiful flowers in their yards. It makes my daily neighbourhood walks so pleasurable.

BOUQUET: A big field of daisies to the staff at Wild Arc. Your hard work to keep the organization going does not go unnoticed. Your staff were available to my family when we found an injured deer and your team really stepped up.

BEEF: Heading into Langford on Sunday when a dump truck carrying a load of dirt was speeding around the bends. The load was not safely covered and the car ahead of me, myself and a few cars behind me had the pleasure of your load spewing all over us. This can cause an accident so cover your load and slow down!

BOUQUET: To the kind person who turned in my debit card outside the Salvation Army store. You made my day. Thank you so much for your honesty.

Do you have someone to thank, or a peeve to get off your chest? Send it to or drop it off in the Gazette office mailbox. We reserve the right to edit submissions and discard Beefs deemed to be libellous or mean-spirited. Please limit submissions to 150 words.

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