
Beefs and Bouquets for July 29

BOUQUET: I was stopped at a red light on Goldstream Avenue when a man on the sidewalk urged me to roll down my window. He then proceeded to tell me that my rear tire was very low. Many thanks to this person as the tire was almost flat and several minutes later, at a gas station, a nail was discovered in the tire.

BOUQUET: I was stopped at a red light on Goldstream Avenue when a man on the sidewalk urged me to roll down my window. He then proceeded to tell me that my rear tire was very low. Many thanks to this person as the tire was almost flat and several minutes later, at a gas station, a nail was discovered in the tire.

BOUQUET: Huge shout out to Kat at the drive-thru at Tim Hortons on Old Island Highway. Her attitude and joy and laughter is unbelievable and such a bright spot.

BOUQUET: Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for the Langford, Colwood and View Royal fire departments after they suppressed the fire at Gardner Creek townhomes on July 17. The townhomes border Setchfield Park and, if the fire had spread to the park, my home and many others in the area would have also been in danger. Thank you for your quick action to put that fire out.

BEEF: To the City of Langford for allowing all the fallen trees (which I believe are a consequence of the Gardner Creek development) to remain in the park. These fallen trees, added to the continued dumping of yard waste by neighbours bordering the park, have made the park a fire hazard. Let’s get Fire Smart Langford!

BOUQUET: To My Chosin Pizza. We had the best, Chicago-style pizza and chicken alfredo. The staff were great, the delivery as fast as it could be and the food delicious. Can’t wait to order again. Thanks again, it was amazing.

BEEF: To the driver of the truck on Sooke Road on July 13 whose kayak flew off into traffic and the driver of the flat deck headed down Veterans Memorial toward Sooke Road on July 21 whose load of lumber and steel slid off onto the Parkway. From someone that drives a small convertible and rides a motorcycle: your inability to tie down your load properly is irresponsible and dangerous. Be thankful that all you lost was your own material goods when you could have seriously injured someone or destroyed their only mode of transportation. The kayak owner wrote that they are “beefed” that they lost the boat, but an apology for their negligence would have been more appropriate.

BOUQUET: A huge thank you to Teresa at Lifestyle Market for being so helpful and friendly and for getting my order together for next day delivery. Excellent service and a reminder of the importance of human connection.

BOUQUET: A large bouquet to Colwood for actually planning new developments, as opposed to neighbouring Langford where it appears that the only planning is how many gabled boxes and or high-rises they can cram on the smallest piece of land possible.

READ MORE: Beefs and Bouquets

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