
Beefs and Bouquets for June 10

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BOUQUET: To all the volunteers who pulled Scotch broom in the Highlands and to those who were available at the community centre on Saturday mornings in May to accept deliveries. Thank you for caring about your community.

BEEF: To the guy on Harriet Road and Gorge Road that lost control of his pit bull and allowed it to attack my Rottweiler from behind when she was sitting at my side waiting for the crossing signal. You are the reason that we need stronger animal control bylaws and perpetuate the stereotypes of dangerous breeds.

Greater Victoria has (in my opinion) far too relaxed leash rules and I have yet to encounter someone who actually has full control of their dog when it is off leash. We train in Schutzhund every day and attend group training every weekend and if it weren’t for the fact that my dog is trained in protection work and is extremely confident, the outcome could have been a lot different.

For all the people who say they have control of their dog when it’s off leash, what would have happened to your doodles or toy dog had it been in my Rottie’s position? This just further galvanized my position that all dogs should be on a leash unless in a designated spot where everyone in the area is consenting, because if I didn’t have my dog on a leash, there would have been a dead pit bull on the corner of the road.

BOUQUET: to Anne in Colwood. In early April I mailed a thank-you note to my friend in Royal Oak Broadmead, and somehow Anne got the envelope in her mailbox. The stamp wasn’t cancelled but she put it in an envelope and mailed it to me (I had my return address on my note) using her envelope and a stamp so I could send it on to my friend. She went out of her way to get the card where it was supposed to be going, no thanks to Canada Post. This about a month after I had mailed it, so I remailed it and my friend finally got it. I sent a thank-you note to Anne as she included a note and her address, so hopefully she got my thank-you note and not somebody else. Many thanks, Anne

BOUQUET: On June 3, my 46 year-old MGB blew the clutch while I was on Jacklin Road. I had to call a tow truck and have it towed to Fountain Tire. As it was close to closing time, I called Fountain Tire and explained my predicament. One of their employees kindly stayed behind for 20 minutes so I could get the car inside for the night. The next day, even though they were fully booked, they diagnosed the problem and I went about finding the necessary parts. Two days later I had my car back, fully serviceable, and for a very reasonable price – this is why they have been my garage of choice for 20 years. Thank you Fountain Tire Langford!

READ MORE: Beefs & Bouquets

Do you have someone to thank, or a peeve to get off your chest? Send it to or drop it off in the Gazette office mailbox. We reserve the right to edit submissions and discard Beefs deemed to be libellous or mean-spirited. Please limit submissions to 150 words.


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