
Beefs and Bouquets for June 17

To submit a beef or a bouquet, email

BEEF: A big beef to the garbage dumpers. Why do people feel the need to dump their garbage on the back roads in Metchosin. If you are taking the time to load your garbage and then driving around for the perfect back road to dump it, are you not wasting gas? Spend the money you are wasting for time and gas and drive to the dump!

BOUQUET: A field of daisies to the moms that organized the motorcade for the Belmont grads. It was great to see the community come together to cheer on the 2021 grads for all their hard work! Best of luck 2021 grads on your next journey.

BOUQUET: To the Gazette’s Zoe Ducklow for giving us up-to-the-minute news on what’s happening at the logging blockades. I am so grateful that you are giving the public a good account of what’s going on. The presence of media helps to keep the protesters safe. It’s a fascinating story, hugely significant. For a spectator, it’s colourful, lively, and unpredictable. I sure hope nobody gets hurt.

GENTLE BEEF: Just wanted to throw out two friendly reminders; When turning from an intersection you’re supposed to start in the closest lane, use your turn signal and then move over. More importantly, cigarette butts belong in an ashtray. Please invest in one for your vehicle.

BOUQUET: A bouquet to the lady at the Starbuck’s (Hull’s Field) who paid for our drinks on Friday. What a nice surprise for me and my kids. It was such a great thing to share with my kids and explain how we will pay it forward next time.

BEEF: I have a beef with those drivers that do not know how or when they can use the bus lane. The bus lane is only for buses during BC Transit operating hours (it is not an HOV lane). You cannot travel in a bus lane. You may only enter the bus lane if you are turning right within that block.

BOUQUET: To all the teachers in SD62. It is coming close to the end of the school year and with everything being so different for our students and for yourselves with the pandemic, I just want to send all of you a big bouquet of roses for all your hard work and dedication to our students. Have a great summer!

BIG BOUQUET: To everyone who came out with classic cars, jeeps, trucks etc. for Remy’s drive-by third birthday on June 12. And a special Bouquet to the Langford fire and rescue for bringing out a fire truck! You all made this special little guy’s day!

READ MORE: Beefs & Bouquets

Do you have someone to thank, or a peeve to get off your chest? Send it to or drop it off in the Gazette office mailbox. We reserve the right to edit submissions and discard Beefs deemed to be libellous or mean-spirited.

Please limit submissions to 150 words.


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