
Beefs and Bouquets for June 2

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BEEF: My wife and I have lived in this area for 30 years and it has always been a great area to walk and enjoy the outdoors. Unfortunately over the last few years, every second house seems to have a dog. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs. It is the owners of some that think they can have them out without being on leash or fenced in.

My wife is deathly afraid of dogs and it has come to the point that she will not go out walking by herself. My hat is off to the folks that have dogs and keep them fenced in or on leash and have taught them not to bark every time someone walks by the house.

BEEF: To the big black Ford truck that was racing down Metchosin road on the weekend and almost pushed us off the road. You are only worried about your own safety I guess. Slow down!

BOUQUET: A Big Bouquet to the owners of My Chosen Cafe. The new patio is amazing and we enjoyed our family lunch this weekend. The service and quality reminds me of the small town I grew up in. A great family-owned restaurant. We’ll be back!

BOUQUET: A big bouquet to the RCMP in Langford. I have noticed in the last month or so there are more officers out there on the roads, keeping our community safe by pulling over speeders and other dangerous drivers. Thank you! I really appreciate the increased enforcement – Langford is notorious for bad drivers. May I suggest to patrol the area by Happy Valley Elementary. Many people do 40 km/h or more during school hours, especially after 3 p.m. Thanks again for your service and dedication to the community.

BOUQUET: A Big Bouquet to Royal Bay Beach. We went to the market this weekend and it was great to walk around, enjoy the sun and buy some great local products. Thank you Royal Bay for having such a great market in our new Colwood community.

BOUQUET: Thank you to the gentleman on the Galloping Goose by JDF rec centre. I slipped and fell, and you were kind enough to stop and help me to my feet. I was shaken but not hurt and you stayed until I was able to get on my way and contact family to ensure my safe return home. Thank you.

BOUQUET: To the vaccine centres in Sooke and Langford. My friends and I have used both depending on our location and schedule and I have heard only positive feedback. Keep up the great work! So happy to be vaccinated and to be hanging with my friends and family in small social groups again.

BOUQUET: To the stylists at Head Case Hair Studio who allowed my recently potty-trained toddler to use their washroom during a busy Saturday afternoon on the May long weekend. We were refused by one business, and another business did not seem to notice us waiting at their counter to ask. So we went to Head Case, and I am so grateful you were flexible and prevented my daughter from having an accident. Thank you again for understanding and being so kind.

READ MORE: Beefs & Bouquets

Do you have someone to thank, or a peeve to get off your chest? Send it to or drop it off in the Gazette office mailbox. We reserve the right to edit submissions and discard Beefs deemed to be libellous or mean-spirited. Please limit submissions to 150 words.


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